How To Save On Health Costs in Retirement

How To Save On Health Costs in Retirement

Healthcare is one of the biggest expenses and concerns faced in retirement. Here are several tips that can help you save money on out-of-pocket health costs.
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Going Without Vision Care is Short-Sighted

Ignoring your vision care doesn’t solve problems; it only creates more. Here are some tips to help you maintain your eye health and your budget.
mobile healthcare apps

Healthcare: There’s An App for That

Here is a list of some download-worthy mobile healthcare apps that can give you more control over your healthcare.

Telehealth: Changing the Game in Healthcare

Understand what telehealth is and how it works with these three important things you should know.
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Myths and Facts About Discount Health Plans

Get a better understanding on non-insurance discount health plans by knowing the myths and facts.
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How To Shop for a Discount Health Plan Online

If you're shopping for a discount health plan to fill your insurance or Medicare gaps, here are some tips to help you along the way.
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Tips To Avoid a Big Emergency Room Bill (If You Can)

Here are some options to consider for non-emergency medical situations so you can avoid a big ER bill.
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5 Ways to Save Money On Dental Care

Dental costs can take a big bite out of your finances. Here are 5 tips that can help you save money on dental care.
open enrollment period

How To Make the Most of Your Open Enrollment Period

Make the most of your open enrollment period and start filling your insurance gaps by knowing what to check for.
Common Health Insurance Exclusions

10 Most Common Health Insurance Exclusions

Most health plans come with a lengthy list of services that are not included. Here are the 10 most common ones.